From Bean to Brew

Invest in origin and quality

To create premium cold brew coffee there are no other way than to purchase the world's best coffee from the planet's best farmers. And keep doing so. We buy 100% organic Arabica coffee beans to make sure the quality always stays on top. To make sure we get that smooth and well rounded flavour the Arabica beans are famous for. All our coffee is not only organic, but also Fairtrade.


Roast and grind
Beside from choosing the highest quality coffee beans to start with, the method and craftsmanship of the coffee roasting process may have the biggest impact on your cold brew coffee enjoyment. A coffee bean is never better than its roasting. In order to get the most out of high quality coffee its origin character should be celebrated. Mode is always done on a light roast to preserve all the natural- flavours and sweetness of the coffee. This is key for producing any good cold brew. Moreover, a light roast also means more caffeine and hence a greater flavour boost. Not only is all our coffee sustainable its also perfectly roasted with renewable energy. Many might assume that a finer grind makes a finer drink. In fact, the opposite is true for cold-brew coffee. For the smoothest end product, you want to look for a coarse grind that leaves slightly larger coffee particles.

Pure filtered water, sit down and wait
It is finally time for our organic coffee beans to meet pure (and very cold) filtered water, which is the other of two ingredients in Mode Cold Brew. Some say 6 hours is standard but who wants standard cold brew? We brew every batch for 16 hours. During this time the cold water extract all the goodies from the coffee, but less of the stuff you don’t want from the bean like bitterness and acidity. Meaning it’s smooth to drink and easier on your stomach, teeth and breath.


Package and shipped to you
The coffee is filtered and tapped into our recyclable paper packaging, made to maximize the flavor and freshness of our cold brew. Cheers!

Enjoy and give back
Not only is all our coffee 100% organic arabica and Fairtrade. Every time you enjoy drinks made on Mode Cold brew it means a smooth premium coffee drink for you and clean drinking water for the families living where our amazing coffee grows so they can live a decent life and keep delivering you the best coffee. We call this. The Circle of Mode. Sadly. Most people brew their coffee and throw out the remaining coffee grounds. Just in Sweden 300 million liters of coffee are thrown away each year because we brew too much. Mode Cold Brew make sure you never use more coffee than you need. To minimize waste, we make sure the left over coffee grounds from our production are used to make plantbased pellets which generate heat and steam.